mussulman|mussulmans|mussulmen in English


[Mus·sul·man || 'mʌslmən]

Muslim, adherent of Islam

Use "mussulman|mussulmans|mussulmen" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mussulman|mussulmans|mussulmen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mussulman|mussulmans|mussulmen", or refer to the context using the word "mussulman|mussulmans|mussulmen" in the English Dictionary.

1. This city was founded on the Tigris by the second Abbaside Caliph Abou Giafar al Mansur (762 or 764) and named by him Medinet es-Selam, or City of Salvation; Bagdad is a popular name said to mean "Garden of Dat", a Mussulman dervish